S-Bank chose PACE
Taking online meeting contents and the way of working to a new level.
“We want our meetings in loan negotiations to be a smooth, interactive dialogue between the customer and the specialist. With our new meeting model, we want to help our customer understand more broadly their relationship with the bank, what would a solution for their own situation look like, and to support our specialist during the meetings.”
By investing in tools that support customer work, S-Bank wants to scale their best practices to all meetings. The PACE sales enablement tool enables interactive discussion during the meeting and the customer can be shown a complete solution that is built based on their own situation.
“Our goal is to continuously improve our customer meetings. PACE not only enables smart visual demonstrations during meetings, but also ensures a high-quality and uniform workflow.”
PACE's dynamic presentations and its connected surveys and calculators provide specialists the support in conducting successful loan negotiations and presenting the value of customer-specific solutions.
“PACE guides the loan meeting and helps the customer understand the most important topics. It’s really easy to use and helps you go through all the relevant needs of the customer.”
S-Bank started co-operation with Rohea in Spring 2021. The design and implementation of the customer meeting model has been done in co-operation using the PACE sales enablement platform. PACE's ready-to-use features have enabled rapid advancement in production use.
“Rohea as a partner and PACE as a sales enablement platform have met all our expectations. Their work from design to implementation has been done professionally, with agility and good collaboration.”